Friday 18 February 2011

18th February - Full Moon

It was full moon again. And midnight.
When she came out of the mirror she was even more beautiful of the first time I saw her.
We were in my bedroom. We sat on the bed and started to chat.
She told me she could see how hard I tried to keep away from my dark side; she was proud of me. But I needed to first go deep into it before being able to really control it.
I am half a fairy. And fairies have two sides. A dark and a bright one. They follow one or the other depending on what charms them most and how strong they are.
But I am half human as well. Also human have a dark and a bright side. Humans as well decide which side to follow depending on their nature.
But no one is just shadow. No one is just light.
When my human feelings are evil my fairy bad side grows so strong in me that I nearly can´t control it. I know I could kill with a glance. And it is fascinating, I have to admit.
- I want to give you something – said my mother while a little round shining box appeared in her hands – Take it always with you and look into it every time you feel you can´t control yourself.
It was a little compact mirror with a sparkling white rose on the top of the box. It was my mother first present.
- It shows what people really are in the moment their image is reflected into it. It is how I see people. And it will help to know better your real you.
- Mum – I said taking the mirror carefully in my hands – what about Dad? I told him I met you. I wanted him to be here as well tonight but he said it was not possible. He was crying when he said it.
- We are not allowed to meet. He knows I can see him in every mirror he looks into. You know this little and shining piece of silver he never forgets to take? It´s his way to take me always with. But if we meet again, I would die. I only wish his last day will be on a full moon so that I could embrace him a very last time and then close my eyes forever. Together with him. We love each other so much!
- Isn´t anything that can be done to set you free?
- Maybe, but it is too dangerous. Failure would mean death for a human or neverending confinement in the tear of a tree for a fairy.
- The tear of a tree?
- Yes. A drop of amber.
- What can be so dangerous? – I asked clenching my fist around the compact mirror.
- To get the key. Loving your father I broke one of the oldest oath of the fairies: “Time doesn´t touch us, old age stays far away, true love can´t die: the mortal will. I swear, in front of mother nature and you, sisters and brothers in magic, never to love a mortal”. Giving birth to you I created a door in between our two worlds. The only way to rescue me is to to get the key and lock that door again.
- Where is the key?
- I don´t know. The spell says: “Deep in the mirror, see but not seen, loving reflections that seem on a screen. Forever but if the key is met and the two worlds´ kiss set”.
There was a way to rescue my mother. I couldn´t think of anything else.
I looked in the mirror she gave me. The image was changing so quick that I hardly recognized myself. It was going as fast as my thoughts and some of it weren´t so positive. A dark lady looked from the mirror. I was scared but she smiled charming.

(Tales from the Mirror - Second Moon)

Thursday 17 February 2011


I saw them passing by, 150 years ago.
A sea of red jackets marching on lushly green fields.
In the background the shining white of the salt-works.

(The Olive Tree Tales)